Hope is Everywhere (Yes! Even at the Super Bowl)

I sat watching the Super Bowl halftime show last Sunday night just like millions of other Americans. I hadn’t watched the halftime show in years, but I decided to give it another go in hopes that the “me too” movement had done its job.
I was wrong.
It was the same old scanning the room to make sure my children weren’t in the room and breathing a sigh of relief when they weren’t. They were playing with their friends in the backyard. Trampolines and plastic sword fights with their friends were where they needed to be.
All I could think about were the effects this would have on kids. My kids, your kids, kids caught in human trafficking, kids without families, kids on that stage, ALL THE KIDS.
I could go on and on about my opinion about the halftime show, but I think we’ve had enough of that this week. It’s time for something else.
I called my Dad the day after the Super Bowl. Lot’s of hard, ugly, and evil things seemed to be surrounding me. Being in the middle of adopting tends to magnify the brokenness of the world. When I get like this, Scott usually says, “You need to call your Dad.”
I married a good man. If you read Made for More, you already know this.
I called my Dad, and we talked about the hard things surrounding me. He reminded me to look for hope.
Then, we looked for it. It’s always there.
We talked about the culture of the Kansas City Chiefs organization and their desire to give glory to God in the media and within their organization.
A light shining in the darkness.
I thought about the teams of people fighting against human trafficking in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. Hospitality industry employees around Miami, FL were trained to identify and help human trafficking victims.
A light shining in the darkness.
There’s always hope. A light shining amidst the darkness. Always.
So, what do we do about ALL THE KIDS?
We may not be able to change the entire NFL, the cameraman, or the entertainers, but we can impact the kids in front of us.
Protect our children’s eyes for as long as possible.
Teach our children healthy views of their own bodies and respect for others.
Get involved with freeing human trafficking victims. (Click here to read last week's post!)
Adopt, foster, or support a child without a family. Kids without families are targets for all kinds of evil.
Most importantly, pray for ALL THE KIDS.
We watch the world around us, and we easily panic.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."
Hope is always there.
Be that light.