The Best Way to GROW in 2020

“He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams
that bears its fruit in its season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.”
Psalm 1:3
My word for 2020.
I don’t love the word “grow” and its numerous definitions all that much. I could easily get lost in financial goals, health goals, and career goals that make me appear to have it all together. Hello, Type A-ness!!! It would be easy to create the façade that I have a plan and success is just around the corner.
That’s not what I’m after this year.
I’m after a different kind of growth. I’m after growth that’s not easily measured. I’m after growing in my relationships (both with God and my people), growing in taking my thoughts captive, growing in patience and joy, and growing in obedience.
I want to grow in the things that bear fruit. When the ball drops next New Years' Eve, I want to look back and say, “I couldn’t have done any of this without God.”
My desire to grow this year won't be easily measured. There have been many meeting rooms when I have uttered the phrase, “What is measured matters.” My business-minded self still shutters at my newfound freedom that not everything has to fit into a nice, tidy box.
To be transparent, I have created professional goals for this year, but they aren’t my entire focus. (I haven’t completely lost my mind.) I’m taking a public speaking course with Bob Goff, and I'm pretty pumped about it. I have speaking opportunities in 2020, and I want to do them well. But I've lived long enough to know that the heart work matters more than the measured work sometimes.
God hasn’t called us to live carefully measured lives. He’s called us to a relationship with Him that bears fruit and does not wither.
Adoption and Made for More have taught me so much about the growth that matters. Adoption has taught me to hold my self-created plans loosely. Writing and launching Made for More taught me that I don’t have to have everything figured out. Just be obedient. It’s not always an easy road but it's always a worthwhile journey.
God has been so good to me. Daily, I see how he's graciously used my messes and my obedience to create beauty. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do this year than GROW.
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