Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Jul 2, 20193 min read
Do I Truly Know the Bible?
The Bible became a part of my life on the day I was born. As a pastor’s kid, I was at the church every single time the doors were open....

Lauren Elizabeth Miller
May 14, 20193 min read
Why Being Scared and Awkward Is OK
This past weekend I found myself in a scary and awkward situation. We were in Ohio for an adoption garage sale fundraiser that a dear...

Emily Campbell
Jul 26, 20184 min read
A Made for More Story: Why We Can Trust God's Plans
My plans for maternity leave included learning conversational French and teaching myself how to play the guitar. Let that sink in for a...

Myra Dempsey
Mar 9, 20183 min read
Fighting Comparison: Finding our True Identity in Christ
Who knew that bubble-gum pink and Comic Sans font had the potential to be so anxiety-provoking? My daughter’s six-year-old birthday party...

Ariel Lynn Miller
Mar 1, 20184 min read
Finding Passion and Contentment: When God's Plans Become Our Plans
Four years ago, one small whisper changed the rest of my life. After graduating high school, I fully intended on molding and inspiring...

Emily Laker
Jan 18, 20184 min read
I Didn't See That Coming
“What is going on?” I said to myself when my flight was delayed again. I’d landed alone in Hong Kong after a 15-hour trip from San...