How You Can Know That You and Everything You Do Matters

“Does what I am doing really matter?”
My friend uttered this question to me as I sat next to her, and I instantly related to her question. How many times have I asked myself that same question?
That question has crept into my mind during some of my past employment. Now, it creeps into my mind as I stand at my kitchen sink washing dishes for the third time in one day.
I desire for my life to have a purpose. All of us have an intrinsic desire for purpose. We want our lives to mean something. There is something within every single one of us that wants to be able to look back on our lives and be proud of all we accomplished with our time here.
The bottom line is that we all desire for our lives to matter.
God Uses Everything
I changed my major four times while I was in college. Even as my major continuously changed, journalism remained my minor. Writing has always been a part of who I am.
Through my college years, I felt like I was constantly searching for a perfect career. Now, 10 years later, I can see how God was using that time of questioning to prepare me for now. I wasn’t diagramming sentences for no reason at all. Praise the Lord! (If you've diagrammed a sentence, you know how brutal it is.) God was going to use it all.
He uses planned and unplanned seasons. He uses times of sorrow or joy. He even uses times of calm or chaos. God always works for the good of everyone who loves Him (Romans 8:28). He ALWAYS uses it all.
We may not always see it right away or maybe ever, but there is something so comforting in knowing that God uses it all. If God can use it for His glory, it matters.
Faithfulness Matters
When we feel like where God has led us is mundane, it matters even more. God is so near in the mundane. I also know that living in the mundane leads to us asking ourselves, “Does what I am doing really matter?”
It does.
When you are being faithful to God’s calling, it always matters.
God doesn’t call us to always do big things. Sometimes He leads us into the wilderness or wasteland where we have to search for His way and the streams He is providing (Isaiah 43:19). We can hold tight to the fact that God is always making things new!
That’s why feelings are so tricky. We may feel like something doesn’t matter when it matters a whole lot!
Faithfulness matters.
You Matter
We get so concerned with what we are or aren’t doing that we forget how much we matter to God. God wants us to simply love Him and be faithful.
God can use everything that you do or don’t do during your life. Just be faithful. It takes so much pressure off of us.
When I feel like what I am doing doesn’t matter, I go to Jesus with my feelings. He either changes my situation or changes my perspective. He doesn’t leave us to wander aimlessly. He loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). We can’t even comprehend the kind of love that He has towards us and how much He wants us to know that we matter.
If you are questioning your situation right now, let me tell you how much you and everything you do matters. God uses everything. Even the mundane.
When you start to ask yourself if what you are doing matters, give this question to Jesus. He’ll meet you so that you know how much you and everything you do matters.
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